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    バリフード® バリフロー®  

バリフード® & バリフロー®について
About Barrihood® & Barriflow®




陰圧使用 Use as a negative pressure machine

Figures & Explanations

Barrihood®について About Barrihood®

バリフードは、中に患者さんを囲い込みフード内の空気を強制的にへパフィルターを通して外に出すことで、フード内を陰圧状態にし、患者さんの出す病原体を含む咳 の中の粒子を、そのまま外に漏らすことなく、フード内に封じ込める患者さん隔離用の装置です。

Barrihood® is an apparatus for the isolation of a patient discharging airborne pathogens. It is designed to keep the contaminated air inside, using a HEPA filter fan unit, which maintains negative pressure inside and releases clean air to the outside the hood.

How to use

A bed covered with the Barrihood®

Dynamics of cough bioparticles

Showing the dynamics of bioparticles originating from coughing in the Barrihood® Cough particles are substituted with tobacco smoke coughed out after one breath of smoking: (a) Less than 0.1 s after coughing; (b)2.0 s; (c) 4.0 s.

The smoke cloud disperses, but flows toward the FFU, which sucks the air inside the hood through a HEPA filter and passes it outside as clean air.


In the ICU

Easy unfolding: (a)⇒(b)⇒(c) and folding: (c) ⇒(b)⇒(a)

逆方向での使い方も可能 Other Usages

ベッドを使わない、隔離ブースとしての使用 Other Usage2

Barrihood® without bed


Two ways of isolation are possible through settings of direction of FFU: protecting a person from contaminated air (positive pressure use) and isolation of a patient (negative pressure use)

A variation of Barrihood®

How to use


Easy unfolding

Barriflow®について About Barriflow®

バリフローは、大型ファンフィルターを特殊な設計のカーテンで覆い、安定した気流の束で、患者さんを診療する 医療従事者が、患者さんの出す勢いを持った咳とその中に含まれる病原体を含む飛沫あるいは飛沫核粒子に曝されないように設計された装置です。

Barriflow® is a machine to protect the medical staff treating a patient discharging airborne pathogen. The medical staff is not exposed to the bioparticles from the coughing patient due to an airstream from the HEPA filter fan unit and curtains surrounding it, which are designed to control the stream to prevent the bioparticles to reach the staff.

咳・くしゃみの粒子の速度と到達距離 Dynamics of bioparticles of cough and sneeze


Barriflow® was designed based on physical analyses of dynamics of cough particles.

Barriflow® prevent the particle from the patient to reach the medical staff treating the patients

Two ways of usage


Barrihood® can be used two-ways: as a positive or negative pressure hood,
by selecting the setting of the hood.

Other usage

Easy unfolding
